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5 Steps to an Abundance Mindset

abundance collaboration entrepreneurship mindset productivity scarcity

It’s been 6 months to the day since I left my corporate job. As I reflect on my journey, I can see how I came to this decision. When I was in my 20s and 30s, I chased the titles, the recognition and the money. As I got older, my priorities began to shift. I started looking inward more than outward, thinking about the legacy I wanted to leave and the impact I wanted to make. Don’t get me wrong, the importance of being able to provide for myself hasn’t changed, but how I went about doing it, had to. 

Since I left, I’ve had the opportunity to reconnect with past colleagues and acquaintances. And the most wonderful thing has been the new connections I have been making. The common thread between us, regardless of how we’ve arrived at this present time in our life and career is having a similar mindset; an abundance mindset. Abundance is about being rich, with or without money (Suze Orman). It’s the belief that there is enough of everything for everyone and that is driving our desire and willingness to share openly and collaborate.

The "abundance mindset" was coined by Peter Diamandis in his book ' Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think '. He describes abundance as having the mindset that there is enough for everyone because we live on a planet which supplies us with all the resources we need and thereby, create a world of possibilities. Shelly Sullivan said “abundance comes in many forms, do not limit your abundance by trying to control how it will flow, just that it will come”.


The abundance mindset and how it differs from the scarcity mindset


People with a scarcity-mindset assume that there's only enough for one person to succeed, that if you win, then I automatically lose. If they don't get what they want it means someone else has taken their "piece of the pie." It leads them to compete against others and ultimately be unhappy and unsuccessful. I'm sure you've heard the saying "knowledge is power". What happens when people have that little bit of knowledge? They hoard it. They keep it and use it when it's most advantageous for their cause. That is a great example of a scarcity mindset.

An abundance-mindset on the other hand believes that there's plenty for everyone – there are no limits to abundance. They seek situations where everyone benefits from each other's skills therefore making everyone better off. It leads them to be happy and successful. As Paulo Coelho said, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it

There have been times in recent months, where I've learned something new or I found something that helped me build my business and I have been tempted to hold on to it because if I shared it, then that meant someone else is going to get what should be coming to me. It is my limiting belief and I am learning to let go and share more freely. I often say I got into this business because I wanted to build women up and help other women build each other up. How can I stay congruent with that statement if I'm not willing to share? It's not possible!

We can only get what we want when there's abundance in the world, not scarcity or limitations. I am finding that the more open I am, the more willing I am to support others and share, the more I receive the same from others!

The abundance mindset is also about taking action in order to create abundance; it's not just wishful thinking. It's about what you do every day, because when we're focused on scarcity, it shows up everywhere. But if you actually start living with an abundance-mindset, you'll see abundance around you and be able to constantly feed off that energy.


The benefits of adopting an abundance mindset


Success is a choice, it's not something that happens to you; it's something you create by your thoughts and actions. An abundance-mindset allows us to notice all the good things (resources) around us. When we're young children, our natural vision is very optimistic – everything seems so easy. Most aren’t worried about what’s coming next. That’s abundance!  Then as we grow up we start seeing the world around us in a more realistic way; maybe because we've had bad experiences or have seen others around us striving for success. This abundance-mindset helps us maintain the ability to see the good in everything and everyone.

We get more of what we focus on. As Tony Robbins said "where focus goes, energy flows". When we always think about the negatives, scarcity and pitfalls we eventually we attract the very things we want to avoid. Since we manifest what we most think about, if we're thinking about how little we have, then life presents us with that; very little.

Given that we are all interconnected with each other, an abundance mindset is important for success because it will allow you to see the abundance available around you; only when there's abundance, can there be true success.


5 steps to adopt an abundance mindset


Why should you adopt an abundance mentality now more than ever? Because whether it's technology, job opportunities, social networking, global connections… there are plenty of opportunities out there which are just waiting for you to make use of!


1. Recognize that abundance is a mindset


A scarcity mindset limits your thinking and actions. You think negatively and limit yourself from achieving success in any of your endeavors. Living by this mindset means settling for less than what you're capable of having or experiencing. So as long as we remain in this scarcity world view, we act accordingly – it's all about taking, taking, taking instead of giving and sharing with an open heart.

If you want success, abundance is the easiest way to get there. People who believe in abundance work together to create more abundance whereas people in the scarcity-mindset will always be fighting for what little they have and live in a permanent defensive position.

Even though abundance means that there's enough for everyone, it requires us to be vulnerable and open. It requires us to share what we have with others and potentially run the risk of finding a "taker"! When you do what you do to serve your ego (scarcity), you can achieve success, many people do. But going at it alone is (for me), much less satisfying that going with others.

How to do this

  • Practice Gratitude - when you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears (Tony Robbins)
  • Take time for yourself and your self-care
  • Practice Mindfulness


2. Use your thoughts to change your current belief system


Start by looking at yourself. Examine where the lack of willingness to share is coming from. Maybe you had an experience where someone took your idea, ran with it and didn't give you credit. Such an experience can be formative. You must be willing to rethink your circumstances and seek new perspectives regarding situations. Sometimes it's about understanding what the lesson is and have the willingness to move beyond that. Learning to see abundance in every situation is the best way to change your mindset. Abundance teaches us that success can be created by working together with people who are different from you and helps us understand other's perspectives and work well with them.

Once you see abundance everywhere, abundance will become a part of your life!  

How to do this

  • Journal on a regular basis and examine what's holding you back
  • Start small with people you trust
  • Seek out people who are different and think differently from you


3. Incorporate the abundance mindset into your daily life


Notice how abundant your own life is, how much abundance you are surrounded with and sharing it with others – this is creating the abundance mentality in action! You must use this knowledge in order for it to take hold on how you behave, think and live your life. Always remember that abundance doesn't come from being greedy or selfish, rather it comes from a place of giving. It seems counterintuitive that by giving, you will get more, but that's how the Universe works! The more you give, the more you get back. 

An abundance mindset allows us to embrace and enjoy life more; we don't feel pressured to rush through abundance because we take it slow and allow ourselves time to breathe. This abundance mindset will help you find ways to keep yourself accountable for positive changes whether it's in your relationships, career or education choices by providing opportunities towards abundance which otherwise might not exist. 

How to do this

  • Take ownership of your growth and decide to change rather than waiting for change to find you
  • Believe the universe has your back and will bring you exactly what you ask for, so be specific and positive
  • Believe there is more than enough for everyone and find ways to make it a win-win for all


4. Look for the good in other people


We can feel overwhelmed at times when we think that everyone is against us but abundance doesn't see it that way because it knows that there's more than enough for everyone; abundance finds strength in numbers. It means seeing the good in other people, even if they are not acting like a friend or someone who you'd want to be around all the time. This abundance mentality will lead us to appreciate other people instead of criticizing them! It allows you to see and embrace other people's points of view. Rather than looking at an opposing opinion as a threat, you can use it to build a better mousetrap. You build something better and stronger because you're leveraging everyone's strengths.

How to do this

  • Collaborate with others and generously exchange/share your knowledge
  • Offer to help others with no expectation of a return
  • Build trust and rapport with others - find common ground or embrace each other's differences


5. Prioritize and take time


We never have enough time to complete everything on our list. But know this, there is always time to do the most important things, whether that is working on a key project, spending time with loved one and taking care of ourselves. It's about prioritizing where we want to put our energy, so we get the biggest bang for our buck. When we embrace the abundance mindset with regards to our time, we switch from being busy to being productive. In that frame of mind, we find ways to slow down and appreciate the little things in life. It's about taking our time, taking those moments to enjoy rather than feeling like we're always running out of time and rushing through everything!

How to do this

  • Prioritize the heck out of your time
  • Weaponize your agenda to be super focused and have the discipline to stick to it
  • Delegate what is not important, but is urgent


Final words


Adopt an abundance mindset and realize the power to see opportunities and possibilities that would otherwise never exist. This  mentality allows us to live a more successful and fulfilling life which shifts our focus from "lack" to "more", which is very powerful for our well-being. The abundance mindset doesn't mean we are happy all of the time, but it means we're aware enough of how things work around us so we know where and when action needs be taken. Allowing yourself to feel and to believe in this abundance leads you towards success in all aspects of your life. What steps can you take this week to start living a life of abundance?

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