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Rewriting the Script: Using Affirmations to Thrive After Divorce affirmations confidence coping skills divorce emotions

When I came out of my divorce, I felt unworthy, and I had been so focused on us as a couple and supporting him and his business that I was completely unsure of myself.

As I journeyed down my personal development, I discovered affirmations. I used them quite a lot to help me shift my thinking. I eve...

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Rebuilding Your Life After Divorce: 5 Steps to Perseverance & Resilience new life perseverance resilience

I thought my divorce would never end. Although, all things considered, it was pretty quick. We had no kids, just two people who felt it was time to go our separate ways. It took a little over a year and a half, and two qualities got me through and kept me moving forward despite the challenges: Perse...

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Why YOU Must Be Your #1 Goal After Divorce goals heal let go priorities

This is the time of the year when we all set goals. No doubt you've been hearing a lot about how to do that and probably as much as about how not to set goals. The objective is always the same. We set goals to grow, advance, and succeed. Once we're clear, we strive to meet and exceed them so that we...

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Finding Small Joys In Your First Holiday After Divorce holidays joy traditions

Well…. You made it through Thanksgiving and Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza, and whatever you celebrate is here. Depending on how "freshly" single you are, it can be a time of celebration or melancholy. Being around family may feel overwhelming. You may feel you need to spend some time on your own to re...

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Fight for Your Happiness: One Habit at a Time habits happiness presence

What if the secret to happiness was hidden in a single day? Not in tomorrow, not in a five-year plan, but in how you choose to live today?

Sometimes, we can get stuck ruminating things. You know...? We get stuck in those negative mind loops. I've done my fair share. It really got bad when I was goi...

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Rebuilding Your Life, One Habit at a Time: A Post-Divorce Roadmap habits identity limiting beliefs triggers

They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but I call shenanigans. 

When you come out of a divorce, you must learn new tricks! Your markers are gone. The future you'd imagine you'd have is gone. It's a perfect time to reassess how you want to run your life, especially if, like me, your married...

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Life After Divorce: A Simple Exercise to Reclaim Balance and Joy in Your New Chapter balance joy life change questions wheel of life

Are you living your life or simply going through the motions? For years, I was in a constant loop—work, support my partner, run errands, collapse. Then, life forced me to start over. And I realized I’d never really thought about what I wanted my life to look like. When was the last time you evaluate...

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From Lost to Lit Up: A Guide to Rediscovering Your Joy and Hobbies hobbies joy passions

What would you do if you had one hour every day just for yourself, with no obligations, no worries, and no one to please? Sometimes, it's easy to get swallowed up by a relationship and forget your needs and passions are important, too. That's what happened to me, and when I found myself single again...

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From Coffee Dates to Forever Love: How I Dove Back into Dating boundaries dating growth relationship vision

The mere thought of going back to dating today is enough to keep me celibate for the rest of my life. But I couldn’t wait to dive back in when my divorce went through. I reflected on my 10 years of marriage and saw everything I missed out on because we had been so busy working and building a busines...

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Rebuilding Financial Confidence: Navigating Money Stress After Divorce budget confidence finances stress

Isn’t it ironic how the one thing that once symbolized security—my marriage—turned into the very source of my financial anxiety? I always believed my money was under control until divorce threw a wrench in the equation. And it turns out I’m not the only one!

I have spoken to many women who have gon...

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Overthink No More: 
3 Steps to Stop the Mind Loops overthink worry

I picked up a terrible habit when I went through my divorce: ruminating. I'd wake up around 2:00 in the morning and toss and turn until my alarm went off at 5:00. During that whole time, all I would do was imagine worst-case scenarios. At first, it was about my divorce. What's going to happen to me?...

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5 Hard Truths I Learned After Divorce (That You Need to Hear) alignment awareness communication conflict lessons

What if I told you that the most painful chapter of my life became my greatest teacher? That I became the woman I am today because I experienced loss and heartache. That through this rediscovery, I attracted my Forever Love and have never been happier!

It may sound sappy, but it's the truth. As cha...

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