Alex's latest ideas and articles
When I was 11, my father announced that we were leaving France and moving to Brazil. He'd been a victim of downsizing and the new company he was interviewing with told him he was in if he was willing to move to Brazil. As the provider that he was, he accepted the challenge and I was soon faced...
I used to be someone whose primary human drive was certainty and to a certain extent, I still am. So when I decided to leave my corporate job, the fear of the unknown became very much front and center. Gone were the days of a steady paycheck, 401Ks, knowing more or less what I could expect when I...
I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I had a big presentation coming up I needed to finalize. But it wasn't only the presentation but the sampling and all of the other goodies we were going to bring to make the presentation more interactive. I was in full...
A couple of weeks ago, I sat on the couch next to my honey and said “I don’t know if I can keep this up.” I was in a slump. I felt like I was doing so much for so little return that it hardly seemed worth the effort. We talked through it. It helped to, as we say in French, empty...
51 years. That's how long it took me, not to find my purpose, but to understand when I felt most on purpose. See, for me, the piano of purpose didn’t one day fall on my head and wake me up with a grand, new ambition and desire. Until recently, I’ve lived most of my life in and out of...
June is the perfect time of the month to recalibrate how we're doing against the goals we've set for ourselves.
In this video, I share my review process and a free tool which can help you get some visibility and insights as to where you might want to focus the next 6 months.
You can access it...
5:30 am. I'm laying in bed bleary-eyed, having just turned off my alarm. I think I slept OK, but I’m still exhausted and the thought of going to work seems more than I can bear again today. And yet... I sit up and hang my legs off the side of the bed, mustering the oomph to get out of bed...
I learned a valuable lesson last week. Wednesday started well enough. I woke up, went walking, meditated, and then I made the mistake of opening the wrong app on my phone. Fast forward 8 hours and dazed and confused, I realized I had spent the entire day playing Bubble Pop on my phone. WHAT???...
I was talking to a friend who is a senior-level female executive this week and was asking her "When you think about the women you work with, what do you think gets in their way of achieving their goals and desires?" Part of her answer was "Life balance" which makes perfect sense. And the rest of...
Are you feeling stuck? Do you feel like you're not living up to your potential? It might be your limiting beliefs holding you back. Do you know what they are? Do you believe that you're not good enough, or smart enough, or pretty enough? If so, it's time stop letting your beliefs hold you back...
Toxic people. There's no doubt they are everywhere. You might have one in your family, at work, or even as a friend. Toxic people are energy vampires who drain you emotionally and leave you feeling exhausted. They are often negative, critical, and judgmental. And worst of all, they can be...
I was reminiscing about my days in corporate recently and I remembered something that happened years ago. It was late in the day or early evening, and I was still plugging away because I had a big presentation coming up in a few days Sitting in the office next to me was my teammate who was doing...