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3 Steps to Managing Uncertainty

clarity coping skills growth mindset teamwork uncertainty

I used to be someone whose primary human drive was certainty and to a certain extent, I still am. So when I decided to leave my corporate job, the fear of the unknown became very much front and center. Gone were the days of a steady paycheck, 401Ks, knowing more or less what I could expect when I went to work every day. Gone was the security I had known for 30 years. How was I going to manage that? It felt like jumping into the deep end of the pool without knowing how to swim. It was scary as hell and it still is, but I’ve had to learn to manage that uncertainty so it is not paralyzing.

While it’s impossible to eliminate uncertainty from our lives, there are steps we can take to manage it. In this blog post, we'll outline 3 steps for dealing with the unknown, so you can feel more prepared and in control when faced with ambiguity. Whether you're struggling to make a big decision or simply want to live a less stressful life, these tips will help. Read on for guidance!


Identify What Is Making You Feel Uncertain


The first step to managing your uncertainty is identifying the source of your anxiety. What is it that you’re afraid of? Is it a specific situation or event, or a more general sense of unease? Once you know what is causing your discomfort, you can begin to address it.

For example, let’s say you’re considering quitting your job to start your own business. The thought of leaving the safety of a regular paycheck is enough to make anyone feel anxious. But if you break down the decision, you can identify specific factors that are causing your uncertainty. Perhaps you’re worried about not having enough money to live on, or you’re unsure of the feasibility of your business idea. Once you know what your uncertainties are, you can start to find ways to address them.


Make a Plan

Then, it's time to make a plan. When you know what you need to do and have a roadmap to follow, it is much easier to take action. This is especially true when it comes to making big decisions, like whether or not to quit your job.

If you’re feeling uncertain about a major life change, sit down and make a list of pros and cons. Consider all of the potential outcomes, both good and bad. Once you have a clear understanding of the risks and rewards involved, you can start to make a more informed decision.

It’s also helpful to have a backup plan if things don’t go as expected. For example, what will you do if you’re quitting your job to start a business and you can't get your business off the ground? It’s important to have a contingency plan so you’re not left stranded if things don’t go according to plan.


Look at The Bigger Picture

Along with making a plan, you have to look at the bigger picture. What is your long-term goal? What is your endgame? Keeping your eye on the prize can help you stay motivated and focused when things get tough.

It can also be helpful to think about the worst-case scenario. What is the absolute worst thing that could happen? And would it really be so bad? I have so many examples of blowing things way out of proportion and coming up with crazy scenarios that never came to pass. Oftentimes, we build things up in our heads to be much worse than they actually are. Once you take a step back and look at the situation objectively, you may find that your fears are not as founded as you thought.


Relinquish the Need to Control Everything

One of the most important things to remember when dealing with uncertainty is that you cannot control everything. No matter how much you plan or prepare, there will always be variables outside of your control. The key is to learn to roll with the punches and go with the flow.

This can be a difficult mindset to adopt, but it’s important to remember that not everything has to go according to plan. Sometimes, the best-laid plans fall apart and we have to improvise. The ability to think on your feet and adapt to change is an essential life skill.

And sometimes, things not going according to plan actually open up opportunities you never would have had otherwise. There is often a gift to be found, if you know to look for it.


Acknowledge Your Feelings

It’s important to acknowledge your feelings of uncertainty, rather than trying to push them away. Accepting that you feel worried or scared is an important step in managing those emotions. If you try to ignore your fears, they will only become more powerful.

Allow yourself to feel the full range of your emotions, but don’t dwell on them. Acknowledge your feelings, and then move on. You might want to journal them out. Putting things down on paper has a way of releasing emotions and this enables you to look at things more objectively.


Make Peace With What No Longer Serves You and Let It Go

This can be anything from a toxic relationship to a negative thought pattern. If there’s something in your life that is causing you stress, anxiety, or fear, it’s time to let it go.

This doesn’t mean that you have to eliminate all sources of uncertainty from your life. Some amount of uncertainty is inevitable, and even necessary for growth. But if there’s something in your life that is consistently making you feel bad, it’s time to let it go.


Upgrade Your Mindset and Attitude


Let's explore different ways you can do that.


Learn to Embrace the Unknown

Rather than fearing what you can’t see, try to view it as an adventure. Embracing uncertainty doesn’t mean that you have to be reckless or irresponsible, but it does mean that you should be open to new experiences and willing to take risks.

So, how can you start embracing the unknown? One way is to take some time each day to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable. This can be anything from trying new foods to taking a different route to work. Small steps like these will help you become more comfortable with the feeling of uncertainty and help you develop a greater sense of confidence.


Focus On the Positive

Rather than seeing change as something to be feared, try to see it as an opportunity to learn and expand your horizons. Embracing change can be difficult, but how often have you experienced change which you thought was devastating at the time, but turned out to be a blessing?

Instead of focusing on the worst-case scenario, explore best-case scenarios. Ask yourself what are some wonderful things that can happen by making this change or taking this decision. Observe who you feel when you do that. I guarantee you're going to start feeling excited.


Develop a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is a belief that you can grow and improve with effort, which leads to a feeling of empowerment. That also means being flexible and open to change, rather than staying with the tried and true and keeping in the same old groove. The best way to develop a growth mindset is to focus on learning and progress, rather than intelligence or ability. Every time you face a challenge, ask yourself what you can learn from the experience.

A fixed mindset leads to a feeling of helplessness when faced with challenges because you believe that you’re not capable of overcoming them. It is the belief that your intelligence and abilities are set in stone. Failure is a sign of lack of intelligence, whereas, with a growth mindset, it is an opportunity to learn and grow.


Practice Self-Compassion

This means being kind and understanding towards yourself, especially when you’re facing difficult situations. It’s easy to be hard on yourself and beat yourself up for not knowing what to do. But this will only make you feel worse and hinder your ability to find a solution.

Instead, try to be understanding and accepting of yourself. Remind yourself that everyone deals with uncertainty at some point in their lives. Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you would extend to a friend.


Look For The Good In the Moments

This doesn’t mean that you should ignore the bad things that are happening, but it does mean that you should try to find the silver lining in every situation.

For example, if you’re facing a challenging situation at work, rather than dwelling on the negative, try to focus on the positive. Maybe you’re getting a chance to learn new skills or develop greater patience.

It can be difficult to find the good in the moment, but it’s important to remember that every situation has both positive and negative aspects. By focusing on the good, you’ll be able to better deal with the negative.

Deepen your mindfulness practice to include gratitude. It's impossible to be negative when we think of all of the things we can be grateful for. And if you don't have a mindfulness practice, start one!


Double Down on What Brings You Joy and Helps You Relax

Don't forget to take care of yourself and do things that bring you joy. This will help you relax and de-stress, which will in turn help you better deal with the uncertainty.

Make sure to schedule time in your calendar for your hobbies and activities that make you happy. Spend time with loved ones, take a relaxing bath, read your favorite book, or take a walk in nature. Do whatever you need to do to recharge and remember what brings you joy.


Take It One Day at A Time

Finally, don’t try to take on too much at once. When you’re dealing with uncertainty, it can be tempting to try to plan for every possible outcome or scenario. But this can quickly become overwhelming and lead to even more anxiety and stress.

Instead, focus on taking things one day at a time. Don’t worry about what might happen in the future. Just focus on what you need to do today. This will help you stay present and focused, and it will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.

Positive affirmations are great for that. Try starting each day by saying something like “I am capable and competent.”


Seek Support When You Need it


When there is a lot of uncertainty, it is sometimes difficult to navigate alone. Reach out and seek out support when you need it. Talking about your fears and concerns can help you gain clarity and perspective.


Talk To Someone You Trust

Talking to a trusted friend or family member can be helpful. They can offer their perspective and help you see the situation in a different light. When choosing who to talk to, look for someone who will listen without judgment and offer support without trying to fix the situation. If you explore options together, remember to do what is right for you.


Talk To Someone Who Has Been Through It

If you know anyone who has been through a similar experience, reach out and talk to them about it. They can offer valuable insights and advice that can help you feel more prepared. Since they've navigated their own situation, they can share their dos and don'ts. Again it doesn't mean your dons and don'ts will be the same, but it can provide some guidance.


Talk To A Therapist

Talking to someone you trust or someone who's been through something similar may not be enough. You may also want to consider talking to a therapist. They can help you manage your anxiety and stress, and they can provide you with tools and strategies for dealing with uncertainty.


In Conclusion


So the next time you’re feeling uncertain, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you can handle whatever comes your way. Uncertainty is a part of life, but with these tips, you can learn to manage it and even use it to your advantage.

Do you have any other tips for managing uncertainty? Share them in the comments below! And if you'd like some support navigating uncertain times, go ahead and book your free 75-minute Strategy Session by clicking on this link:

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