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Apathy: Get Out of the Funk and Back In the Fun!

apathy choices coping skills energy happiness high performance mindset values

"Ugh... I just don't have it in me..."
"Ugh... I just don't feel like it..."
"Ugh… I just don’t care…”

Do you find yourself saying that more often in the last few months? I have days when it seems to be all I say to myself and other days where it's not even a blip on the radar. When we're in a state of overwhelm and exhaustion, those feelings seem to occur more often and be more pronounced.

We've all been there –– that moment when we just can't muster up the motivation to do anything. We feel like we're stuck in a rut and nothing can convince us to get moving. This is what we call apathy, and it can be debilitating. It usually passes but while we're in the midst of feeling apathetic, we can lose steam in pursuing our goals. There are ways to work through this feeling of apathy and get back to being your productive self. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the reasons why apathy occurs and provide strategies for overcoming it. So, if you're ready to break out of your funk, read on!


What Apathy Is


According to WebMD, apathy is when you lack motivation to do anything or just don’t care about what’s going on around you. You can experience it for more than a passing moment and you may lack the desire to do anything that involves thinking or your emotions. In essence, you don't really feel much of anything at all. Sometimes, it can be a symptom of a bigger problem.

If you find yourself in this situation for an extended period, please make sure you talk to your doctor.


Signs of Apathy


There are various signs that you may be suffering from apathy. You:

  • Lack motivation and desire to do the everyday things
  • Have zero energy to do even the things you love
  • Find yourself making plans only to break them at the last minute
  • Don't appreciate the very things that you used to be excited about; having new adventures, trying new things, seeing friends, partaking in your hobby
  • Don't participate in your own life and don't really care to solve your own problems
  • Don't feel the ups or downs of life, the highs, and the lows because you simply don't care. Simply put, you feel flat.
  • Keep missing your goals if you set any at all


Causes of Apathy


When I was in my corporate job, apathy manifested often, especially  towards the end of my time there. I was so taxed mentally and emotionally. I was stressed and on the verge of burnout. And as I started to grow my coaching business, I couldn’t hunker down to work towards it because I just couldn't find the motivation! It was so frustrating. Frustrating because not only did I not find my work to be meaningful, but I also didn’t have the get-up-and-go to pursue my desire to serve.

I can't talk about apathy from the medical perspective. However, I can talk about what I have seen causing apathy in my clients

  • Being too exhausted to give a damn
  • Burning out due to a constant barrage of responsibilities (think "Incoming!!!")
  • Overwhelm from having to be everything to everyone
  • Lack of forward movement
  • Seeing yourself as a victim
  • Failing so many times that you start believing that what you do doesn't matter
  • Constantly being in high stress situations
  • Paying too much attention to what others do
  • Losing faith and trust in yourself
  • Negative self-talk is overpowering your positive self-talk


Overcoming Apathy


The first step in overcoming apathy is acknowledging you are feeling it, identifying what triggered it in the first place and challenging the story you are telling yourself around the event. Can you look at it from a different and empowering perspective? Once you've done that, it's time to work on some strategies for coming out of it.

Take Charge: Whenever I catch myself saying "I don't feel like it", I lean into that. I make myself do it because I know it is likely to be exactly what I need to do in that moment. That is especially true with my current work. "Ugh.... I don't feel like getting in front of the camera today," means I really need to get in front of the camera today. And what happens? I feel really good that I overcame that feeling and went ahead despite the discomfort and the lack of desire to take action.

Manage Your Energy: Make sure you're eating the right foods to support healthy brain function. Among other things, I'm talking about eating whole foods versus processed foods, limiting sugar and alcohol, focusing on healthy fats –– such as avocado and olive oil –– and if you must have butter, make sure it's grass-fed. Make sure you get enough sleep, stay hydrated and exercise regularly (even if you don't feel like it!)

Set Small Goals: When we're feeling apathetic, the last thing we want to do is set big goals because they seem unattainable and frankly, we just don't have the energy to pursue them. So instead, set small goals that you can realistically accomplish. Something as simple as taking a shower, getting dressed for the day or making your bed can be a victory. As you start to check things off your list, no matter how small they may be, you'll begin to feel more motivated to do more.

Celebrate: When you reach your goals, don't just let the moment slide. Make a point of celebrating the achievement, whatever that might be for you. I encourage you to sit with the feeling with a smile on your face and acknowledge that you accomplished something. You can journal about it or find your own way to integrate and celebrate the win.

Get Moving: When we're feeling apathetic, movement is often the last thing on our minds. However, even if it's just taking a walk around the block, getting up and moving can help to jump start your energy levels. Not only that, but exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting properties. So even if you don't feel like working out, put on your sneakers and go for a walk. I promise you'll feel better when you're done.

Change Your Scenery: When we're stuck in the same place, it's easy to get bogged down by our thoughts and emotions. If you're feeling apathetic, changing your scenery can help to jump start your thinking process. Instead of working in your office or room, go work in a library or a café. If it’s a nice day outside, maybe you can even find some inspiration in nature. Working outside of a familiar setting can help to stimulate new thoughts and ideas.

Connect with Other People: Avoid isolating yourself. It only keeps you going further down the rabbit hole. Whether it's friends, family, or a networking event, look for and push yourself to spend time with other people. If nothing else, it may help you gain a new perspective on your own troubles.

Talk to a Professional: If you've been feeling apathetic for an extended period, or if you feel like you can't overcome it on your own, talking to a professional may be the best step for you. A therapist can help you to explore the root causes of your apathy and provide strategies for overcoming it.

Inject Novelty: Sometimes, we become apathetic simply because we're always doing the same things day in and day out and we're bored. Injecting some novelty in your life is an effective way to start participating in your own life again instead of passively watching it go by, like you would a movie. Life's too short not to play full out!

Apathy is not a fun feeling! However, by acknowledging that you're feeling it and employing some of the strategies listed above, you can start to make your way out of it. And once you do, you'll be surprised at how much more life has to offer.


The Importance of Keeping Your Passions Alive


No matter who you are, it's important to keep your passions alive. For some people, that might mean spending their free time painting or writing. For others, it might be playing sports or being involved in their community. The key is to find something that brings you joy and stick with it.

When we're bogged down by the stresses of life, it's easy to let our passions fall to the wayside. We tell ourselves that we'll get back to them when things calm down, but that day never seems to come. Before we know it, we've lost touch with what once made us happy.

If you're feeling apathetic and like you've lost touch with your passions, it's time to take action. Here are a few tips:

  1. Reconnect with what made you passionate in the first place. Revisit those things that brought you joy and try to recapture that feeling. It might be as simple as reading your favorite book or taking a walk in the park.
  2. Find a new passion. If you can't seem to reconnect with your old passions, it may be time to find something new that excites you. Trying new things is a wonderful way to jump start your thinking process and get out of your comfort zone.
  3. Make time for your passions. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. It's up to us how we use that time. If you want to pursue your passions, you need to make time for them. That might mean getting up earlier or staying up later. It might mean saying no to other things to make time for what's important to you.

Pursuing your passions is important for several reasons. It can help you to feel more fulfilled and purposeful. It can also provide a much needed outlet from the stresses of daily life. And it can simply make you happier. So don't wait any longer. Start taking steps today to reconnect with your passions. You won't regret it.


Inspirational Quotes About Apathy and Motivation


I thought this week, I would end with some inspirational quotes about apathy and motivation. I hope you will find them helpful.

"The greatest danger to your future is apathy." - Jane Goodall

"Apathy is the acceptance of the unacceptable." - John Stott

"Fear is better than apathy because fear makes us do something." - Emiliano Salinas

"Don't watch the clock. Do what it does. Keep going." - Sam Levenson

"For there is always light, if only we're brave enough to see it. If only we're brave enough to be it." - Amanda Gorman

"Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” — Jim Rohn

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