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The Hustle Is A Lie

balance boundaries hustle priorities values

I was so caught in the hustle. I worked crazy long hours during the week, on weekends, and while I was on vacation. At dinner time, my phone was never too far off, so I could jump on notifications. I felt like a hamster on a wheel, churning and churning with no end in sight. In fact, the work started to feel increasingly challenging, and not in a good way!


What Is Hustle Culture?

Let’s start with the basics. The hustle is the idea that constant busyness and unyielding drive are the only way to success. But in fact, it is quite the contrary. It can have a negative impact on us, the high-achieving women. One way specifically is that we may find ourselves disconnected from our personal values and sense of purpose.


Career First, At All Cost - The Fall-Out

When we immerse ourselves in that never-ending pursuit of achievements outside ourselves, such as career advancements, financial success, or societal recognition, we often prioritize these goals over our own well-being and inner satisfaction. Another aspect of our lives that tends to suffer is our relationships. How many high-achieving women do you know are so dedicated to their careers that their health suffers and they can’t seem to find the right relationship?

When this singular focus becomes more important than our personal values and what truly matters to us on a deeper level, we end up compromising the things we hold most dear either out of a sense of ambition or obligation. And let’s be honest. It’s a choice. It may not feel like a choice, but it is still a choice.

Over time, this disconnection from personal values and purpose can leave you questioning whether you’ve made the right career choices or even the very meaning of and purpose behind the chase. Have you ever said to yourself, “There’s got to be more to life than this!” You may feel disconnected from what makes you happy, your passions, and the things you love to do so you can climb that ladder.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I applaud all women who are driven to succeed, advance, and make their difference. I was one of them! I still am, but there is a way to do it that doesn’t involve compromising other areas of your life. You can have it all!

When was the last recital you attended and were fully present? How about that last baseball game? And date night? When was the last time you and your honey went out on a proper date and enjoyed each other’s company? Those things can become neglected. This lack of balance or harmony contributes to that sense of emptiness and burnout.

All of those things, the ball game, date night, playing guitar, going to Yoga, having a drink with friends, and going to the movies, are much-needed and vital downtime and rejuvenation, so you don’t tip over into burnout.


Now What?

The picture looks bleak, doesn’t it? But it isn’t. There are several things you can do to combat the negative effects of hustle culture and reconnect with their personal values and purpose.

Start by prioritizing self-reflection and introspection: Taking the time to redefine your core values, passions, and what truly brings you joy and fulfillment is crucial. When you align your pursuits with your authentic self, you can regain a sense of control, purpose and reconnect with what truly matters to you.

Then, set some non-negotiable boundaries. This will allow you to create a more balanced and harmonious approach to work and personal life. The key for this to work is recognizing that your health, relationships, and well-being are integral components of a fulfilling life, not an afterthought. You prioritize everything, so why not yourself? Creating space for the people, things, and activities that bring you joy and meaning, effectively balancing the burnout caused by hustle culture.

Don’t try to change everything all at once. Start with your health and well-being. While it may feel selfish, it is foundational. Only when you feel vibrant and have abundant energy will you be able to dedicate time to the other things in your life besides work.

Last Thoughts

I just want to leave you with this: Your success is not solely defined by external achievements but also by personal fulfillment and a sense of purpose. When you align your actions with your values, prioritize self-care, and foster meaningful and nurturing connections, you will find you can have a healthier and more balanced approach to success and reclaim a sense of fulfillment in your lives.

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