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5 Strategies to Manage your Physical Energy and Be More Productive

challenge coping skills energy habits mindset productivity resilience work from home

Do you have big dreams? Do you also have days when you feel tired because of a lack of sleep, or is your body just worn out from the day to day rigors and stresses that life throws at you? It can be hard to reach and maintain the levels of energy we need to make our dreams happen, or simply to get through the day.

Or, has working from home due to COVID, side-tracked your efforts at managing your energy throughout the day? Do you find yourself exhausted from keeping 7-11 hours as you juggle never-ending work, manage the kids and your household, before collapsing in bed, just to do it all again the next day?

Just like a car will not run without gas, you can’t run on an empty tank. Even the simplest tasks become unmanageable when we are tired! We feel unmotivated and struggle to keep up.

All is not lost! I'd like to take you through the 5 key elements and strategies for staying energized throughout the day, by managing your physical energy. Next week, I will give you 3 additional strategies each for managing your emotional and mental energy.

The regenerative power or sleep

The human body is a fascinating and powerful machine. It goes through continuous cycles of renewal, repair, rejuvenation, and growth to maintain its natural balance. One way the body achieves this balance is through sleep - an essential process that restores energy levels and helps prevent illness by boosting the immune system. When we don't get enough sleep, it's like wearing a sign that says "do not disturb." Our body and mind are too tired for any kind of stimulation or new input.

In the last few years, we have experienced a rise in the glorification of lack of sleep. We wear our lack of sleep as a badge of honor. How many times have you heard people talk about burning the midnight oil, or say “I can get by with only 5 hours of sleep”? But is that what you really want? Get by? Or do you want to thrive? I’m not saying there aren’t times when deadlines or projects are such that we need to sacrifice. But trouble starts when we make a habit of sleeping less than 7 hrs a night.

Strategy No. 1: Get 7-9 hrs of sleep every night

Did you know that functioning while being tired is the same as being impaired from drinking?

Here are two interesting little factoids:

  1. Sleeping less than 7 hrs a night equates to a blood alcohol level of 0.05%
  2. Going 24 hrs without sleep has the same effect as a 0.1% blood alcohol level!!

Would you show up at work drunk and expect to do your best work? No, right..!? So why do we consistently do it by not sleep enough?

How do we manage our low energy? We drink our favorite caffeinated beverage. Caffeine works by blocking the receptors in the brain that make us feel tired. So we're not promoting wakefulness, we’re simply hiding the fact that you're tired. It's like playing the ultimate shell game!

There is a better and healthier way: 7-9 hrs of sleep every night and a solid evening routine can make all the difference.

Let food be your medicine and your fuel

Garbage in / garbage out doesn’t only apply to reports and spreadsheets. It also applies to your body and brain! The same as you wouldn't put 87 octane in a Ferrari, you need to give your body healthy food - not just empty calories from ultra processed foods, which are designed to make you eat more!

Not only that, but research is increasingly showing that Alzheimer is a lifestyle disease - which means if you have the gene for it, but take steps to eat properly and be mindful of your nutrition, then you may never suffer from it!

Strategy No. 2: Eat food that is good for your body and your brain

By paying attention to my body, I discovered I feel better and can manage my energy better when I do not eat carbs or sugar. I noticed my brain fog disappeared! Lunch used to consist of a sandwich. Easy to make and eat quickly (generally at my desk). And then within 30 minutes or so, I could feel my eyelids start getting droopy, would have a hard time concentrating and crave sweets. What’s a girl to do? Grab some chocolate because who doesn’t love a handful of peanut M&Ms! That would sustain me for a while, but I would dip again a couple of hours later and would reach for the M&Ms again. Quick fix, right...? And so the day would go. A never ending roller coaster of high and lows, managed by chocolate!

Here is what I found helps me sustain a consistent level of energy throughout the day and lower my sugar cravings considerably:

  • No ultra processed foods (cookies, cakes, chips, etc…)
  • Eating whole high protein foods: eggs, chicken, turkey, grass-fed beef
  • Good fats are not only good for my brain, but they help keep me feeling full longer: avocados, olive oil, avocado oil, some grass-fed butter
  • A lots and lots of veggies and some fruits (esp. low glycemic index fruits, such as berries)

This reminds me of a quote from Drew Carey; “eating crap food is not a reward; it’s a punishment”. How much longer do you want to keep punishing your body?

I like to move it, move it!

After a lifetime of starting and stopping exercising, I finally decided it was time to get serious. Aging is not fun, but I don’t have to take it lying down. I have been exercising 3-4 times a week. It hasn’t formed into a habit yet because that takes about 90 days to really bake in, but it is the most consistent I have ever been, and consistency is key. If you are already working out, I celebrate you and I love that you have found something that works for you!! If you are not, keep reading…

Strategy No. 3: Find what works for you and move your butt!

I finally realized I could not do it alone. I always tried it on my own; walking, lifting weights, cardio, etc… and I never liked any of them enough for them to stick. So I decided to join a very small gym that focuses on Kettlebell work and HIIT training. Classes are small. The trainers know you by name and give you personalized attention, correcting posture and giving encouragement as needed. And I'm learning to love it because with every class, I realize I am getting stronger and healthier. I am losing weight and my BMI and Body Fat % are going down too. I’m not telling you this to brag, but simply to let you know “if I can do it, so can you”! You just need to find what's going to work for you!

Some other things to consider:

  • Do you need to have an accountability buddy? Someone who you can commit to showing up with and who you would not want to let down by canceling at the last minute?
  • Do you like being in nature? Maybe a weekly hike where you get to enjoy the sounds of nature, the birds and critters is the way to go for you
  • Talk to your doctor. Maybe he/she has some recommendations for your age and fitness level, especially so if you are starting out

Only you know yourself well enough to find the key. Just think about what you enjoy doing and see if there is a way you can turn that into a healthy exercise habit which brings you joy.

Water is the source of life

Without it any living thing dies. Did you know your brain is made up of 75% water and that even a 2% deficit in hydration can cause you to start feeling sluggish and foggy? It even can make you feel hungry.

Many people think they get enough liquids from coffee or soda - but those things actually dehydrate our bodies more than quench them! So to stay hydrated, think lots of good ol' fashioned H2O.

Strategy No. 4: Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day

So if you weigh 150 lbs, drink 75 oz of water minimum. You’ll likely need more when you exercise. Now if you like a little variety from time to time, you can have some unsweetened, flavored sparkling water or add some fresh fruits and herbs, such as lemon, berries, cucumber, mint.

Self-care isn’t selfish

You can’t pour from an empty cup. In order for us to be able to serve our family, friends and colleagues, we also need to take care of ourselves.

Strategy No. 5: Have a solid morning routine

When I was young, I was taught to splash some water on my neck and arms before jumping into the pool to get my body acclimated to the temperature difference. That’s what a morning routine can do for you. Sometimes, it’s the only time in the day for yourself and the perfect moment to get centered and mentally ready. Don’t think you need a 2 hr morning routine, which can seem daunting. All you need to start is 15 minutes. Once you get in the habit, you can extend the time. I found that it not only helps to have a better day, it even helps with sleep!

I have incorporated 5 elements into mine: hydration, movement, meditation, reading and healthy food. This allows me to feel much more in control of my day and my emotions. What do you think will make for a good routine for you? Are you ready to take back control of your day one morning at a time? To help you get started, I encourage you to go to

Last but not least

As my mentor always says “the power plant doesn’t have energy, it generates energy”. What are you willing to commit to, to see improvements in your energy levels throughout the day? How much more would you be able to accomplish if you had all of the energy you wanted? Now is as good a time as any to start managing your energy bank, especially as we find ourselves with the prospect of going back into the office.

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