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Rediscovering Joy and Passion in Life After Divorce

adventure experience new beginnings travel volunteer
Alexandra Niel Coaching
Rediscovering Joy and Passion in Life After Divorce

When I divorced, I quickly realized it was the perfect opportunity to rediscover the things that brought me joy. After years of putting my former husband's needs and his business, my career, and our home life first, it was time to put me first! One of the reasons why I felt so drained was because I didn't have anything in my life that made me come alive: no hobbies or passions. Everything I had, I gave externally. And it was time for a change!

Look, getting divorced sucks. I was sad. I felt lost. I lost friends. I lost my house. I even paid alimony and thought, "Well… I'll never do that again!" And at the same time, little bubbles of excitement were growing inside me. I knew I was in the unique position to stop and think about who I wanted to be from here on out. Not only could I do the things I had let fall by the wayside, but I could also take the time to explore new passions and new endeavors to bring me joy!

Here are three ways you can start exploring ways to bring new joy and passion into your life, especially as you work through the heartache of divorce or separation.


Embrace "Micro-Adventures"

Micro adventures are short, simple, and easy-to-do little outdoor adventures meant to be fun, exciting, and out of the norm for you. They work really well because you do not have to commit to anything long-term.

Consider renting a canoe, taking an archery, pottery, or cooking class, going bike riding to a place you've never been before, or trying a new restaurant or food you've never tried. The possibilities are endless!


Volunteer for Causes Close to Your Heart

Did you know that one of the most effective ways to get rid of the blues, be more positive, and get out of your head is by helping others?

You can do any number of things, like volunteering at an animal shelter, joining your local Rotary Club, serving your community, or caring for community gardens. Whatever you choose, make sure that it is aligned with what you love so you get the joy of contributing and not the feeling of obligation.

You'll connect with new people who can widen your support circle and bond on a different level because of your mutual commitment to your cause. 


Travel Solo

I remember when I was married, we never went anywhere. And I've always had the travel bug. I'm sure you can imagine the level of friction that caused! Well, now is your time! Do you have a travel bucket list? Time to bring it out!

I always envisioned being with someone who loved traveling as much as I do. How about you? The good news is, you don't have to wait! Dedicate a space for your travel wishlist. Use different color pins and mark 1. Where you've been, 2. All the places you want to go to, and 3. Where you're going next? Then, you can start planning your adventure.

And your next adventure doesn't have to take you to the ends of the earth right now. You can start small here, too. Is there a town or city near you that you've always wanted to visit? Go there! Are you excited yet?


Final Words

So there you have it! These are three ways you can start bringing joy and passion back into your life: going on micro-adventures, volunteering, and traveling solo. I know it feels like the end of your life, as you know it. And here lies the opportunity.

If you're as unhappy as I was before my divorce, there must also be some bubbles of excitement within you. I can promise you this. If your experience is anything like mine, it will get better! You can have a fulfilling life.

What you are going through right now is not the beginning of the end; it is simply the beginning, and you can write your story any way you want. 

So, what will be your next step? Please share with us in the comments. We'd love to hear from you and cheer you on!

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